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Nashville Custody Lawyer | Custody of Children | Turner Law

Child Custody Attorneys in Nashville, TN

Nashville Child Custody AttorneyChild custody is all about the kids!  Tennessee courts are required to make all child custody decisions based upon the best interest of the minor child.  When courts determine child custody issues, the judge is required to do a comparative fitness test based upon a number of custody criteria.  At Turner Law Offices, P.C., we view all of our child custody cases as unique, and our lawyers are committed to do our best to obtain your desired outcome in your child custody.

Child Custody Basics

Best Tennessee Child Custody LawyerTennessee no longer uses the word “custody”; courts use Primary Residential Parent (PRP) and Alternate Residential Parent (ARP)  The PRP is the “custodial parent” and the ARP is the parent with “visitation.”  Tennessee courts are required to name a PRP, and are also required to maximize the number of days with the ARP.  The court generally names the parent who has been the primary care giver to the minor children as the PRP.  The number of days that court awards to the ARP is often determined by the parent’s work schedules.  The best interests of the child determines the PRP and ARP.

Initial Custody Determination

Custody Lawyer NashvilleAt the initial custody determination, the judge is required to perform a comparative fitness test.  The court looks at numerous legal factors, compares the fitness of each parent to the other parent.  The court is required to name the parent with whom the children will reside most of the time, and determine a residential schedule for the other parent.  The court will then fashion a Permanent Parenting Plan which will address all issues regarding the minor children. There are fifteen (15) statutory custody factors.

Modification of Permanent Parenting Plan

Child Custody Lawyer TennesseeModification of a Permanent Parenting Plan (PPP) is more complicated than the initial custody determination.  A PPP can be modified by agreement of both parents.  The court can modify the PPP if there is a material change of circumstances and the modification is in the best interest of the minor children.  Before modification of a PPP, Tennessee law requires mediation.  If the court finds that there has been a material change and that the change directly affects the best interests of the minor child, the court is required to modify the PPP in such a way as to maximize the best interest of the minor children.

For More Information. . . Visit our Tennessee Child Custody FAQs page

Hire An Experienced Child Custody Lawyer

Best Child Custody LawyersAt Turner Law Offices, P.C., our child custody lawyers have the knowledge, training and experience to handle all contingencies that may arise!  The compassion and commitment of our friendly child custody attorneys will help your family get to a better place by reducing the stress of a chile custody case. Call today for your no obligation Free Initial Consultation or request online.

(615) 259-2660

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