The United States military views family law matters, i.e. divorce, separation, paternity and child custody and support, to be a private civil matter best resolved by the civil court having jurisdiction. The military personnel’s unit commander has limited authority and power in family law issues; the military can only become involved in domestic matters when it concerns pay, benefits and property regulated by federal law. Turner Law Offices, P.C. has over 20 years experience successfully representing active duty, reserve duty, and retired military members and their family.
In addition to all the rights and responsibility of spouses recognized under Tennessee law, military personnel and their families have the following special rights that are relevant in a military divorce case. The unique rights of military service members are the following:
The Judge Advocate General (JAG) provides military personnel and their family members access to free legal services; however, JAG only gives general advice in divorce and custody cases. JAG does not prepare divorce or custody documents and they cannot represent you in court. A word of warning is that JAG attorneys are often not licensed to practice law in the state of the military installation; therefore, the JAG attorney will not be familiar with state specific family laws. At Turner Law Offices, P.C., our family law attorneys are intimately familiar with Tennessee divorce, custody and child support laws in addition to the federal regulations specific to military divorces. Our attorneys have extensive experience with military-related family law matters.
Turner Law Offices, P.C. represents military personnel and their families in military divorce proceedings vigorously. Our military divorce lawyers spend the time to explain the nuances of military law to our clients, and to protect their immediate and long-term financial interests. Call today or request a Free Initial Consultation Online to speak to one of our military family lawyers.