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Custody Laws in TN

Child Custody Laws in TnCustody Laws In Tennessee | Turner Law Offices, P.C.

At Turner Law Offices, P.C., our child custody attorneys understand that your children mean the world to you, and you’ll see that we work with you to make sure that you are doing what is best for your children.  Tennessee’s child custody laws are complicated, and only experienced child custody lawyers are able to achieve the outcome you desire.  We have over 20 years experience handling family law matters; you are safe in our hands.

Tennessee Laws Relating to Child Custody

General Custody Principles

Regardless of the type of custody case, there are several child custody principles that apply:

  1. Who will the children live with most of the time, the Primary Residential Parent (PRP)?
  2. How much time will the children be with the other parent, the Alternate Residential Parent (ARP)?
  3. How much child support will the ARP pay to the PRP?

Hire An Experienced Nashville Child Custody Lawyer

At Turner Law Offices, P.C., our commitment is to make you feel comfortable and rest-assured that your children’s best interests are being protected.  Other attorneys refer complicated child custody cases to us based on our proven track record.  Request a free initial consultation online or call our office to schedule an appointment with one of our child custody attorneys.

(615) 259-2660

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