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Category Archives: Civil Rights

Florida Police Officer Confuses Donut Glaze with Meth

There are at least two things all cops should know: what meth looks like, and definitely what donuts look like. Cpl. Shelby Riggs-Hopkins of the Orlando Police Department apparently missed this memo. Last December, Riggs-Hopkins pulled over 64-year-old Daniel Rushing for rushin— uh speeding. Rushing had just dropped off one of his neighbors at their […]

Abortion Battle Rages On in Texas

Supporters of pro-choice abortion rights were delivered a victory by the United States Supreme Court early this week, as justices voted in favor of zapping away measures in a Texas law geared toward defunding abortion clinics across the state. Constitutional access to women’s health services was protected in a 5-to-3 vote. If Texas’s House Bill […]

Unprecedented Pastafarian Wedding in New Zealand Celebrated

Ever heard of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? If not, don’t bring that up to a pastafarian. What’s a Pastafarian? Well that’s a member of Pastafarianism, which could be otherwise referred to as the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. The pastafarian doctrine takes an interesting approach to intelligent design — instead of a world created […]