Darius McCrary Keeps Son Too Long, Gets Fined
Darius McCrary’s bad parenting has led him to have yet another run-in with the law, this time for having custody of his son for too long.
McCrary, best known for his role as Eddie Winslow from the TV show “Family Matters,” faces another hefty fine from the court. His offense: keeping custody his son for too long on Spring Break.
The situation could have been even worse, as Elizabeth Alanoly, the mother of their child, had filed an emergency motion when McCrary didn’t return their child on time. The court immediately put out a bench warrant for McCrary’s arrest, which could have led to him being arrested twice in the span of a month.
McCrary’s last run-in with the law led to him choosing to pay $5,500 in back child support rather than spending 14 days in jail.
This time around, for the offense of keeping custody of his son past his allotted amount of time, McCrary had to post a $15,000 bond in order to clear the warrant. A hefty fine, yes, but it’s better than facing charges of kidnapping a minor.
If you think your current child custody situation is unfair, you may be able to fight back in court to have it changed. Tennessee child support courts focus on one main point when deciding on custody cases: what is in the child’s best interest? If you can prove yourself to be a responsible, upstanding parent, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be allowed to care for your child,
Call us today to begin planning your next move. Our child custody attorneys can not only gauge the chances you have of regaining custody of your child, they can also give you the best advice one what you can do to increase your chances of a favorable verdict.
Don’t waste time moping around, call us to speak with an experienced child custody attorney and begin working to regain your right to parenthood.