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Home » Immigration » Coria-Gonzalez Deported 5 Times & Back Again

Coria-Gonzalez Deported 5 Times & Back Again

the face of an illegal immigrant and sexual abuser looms over the mexican border to the united statesAn apparently determined illegal immigrant with a history of sexual assaults has officially pushed his luck too far. Folks down at the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement headquarters in Austin, Texas have their hands on Nicodemo Coria-Gonzalez — a man who’s so good at illegally crossing the border that five deportations couldn’t keep him away.

While sneaking into the United States was apparently never a problem for Coria-Gonzalez, he seems to have struggled with the next part: assimilation. His pattern was consistent: cross the border, commit a crime, get deported, cross the border, and so on.

The Tale of Nicodemo Coria-Gonzalez

DUI’s accounted for three of his deportation-worthy offenses. But they weren’t the worst.

Coria-Gonzalez also admitted to many counts of sexual abuse involving many different women. His August arrest, his end-of-the-road arrest, happened after one of his victims ratted him out for trying to set her on fire. According to Coria-Gonzalez himself, he had a habit of soliciting prostitutes and beating them up.

The accusations from his would-be burn victim inspired a thorough background assessment, which led police to the revelation that his reported assault was just one of several.

Immigration specialist Thomas Esparza Jr. found himself somewhat baffled by Coria-Gonzalez’s track record:

“Five times deported and he’s still here? What did he do the first time to get himself deported? And why didn’t he learn after the second or third or the fourth time? But already five times? And he’s still back? He’s a determined son of a gun, but at some point, the dance is over and so, unfortunately, the dance is going to be over for him and he’s going to jail.”

As of now, Coria-Gonzalez is looking at six separate charges, among which are the whoppers of  “kidnapping” and “aggravated sexual assault.” He’s awaiting sentencing without bond.

The case of Coria-Gonzalez also begs the question: how does deportation even work?

Yeah, how does it work?

Well for starters, immigrants get deported from the United States by getting caught. One way to get caught is to give away the fact that you’re not a legal U.S. citizen. Another way (the Coria-Gonzalez way) is to get caught committing any crime in America, after which the police will look you up and find out you’ve illegally immigrated.

Either way, if you’ve illegally immigrated and are on track for deportation, there are a few ways this can go down. It depends on your circumstances.

For example, if you’re a child or have children with you, it’ll be easier to take legal action to either postpone or cancel deportation. Postponed deportations are legally called “deferred action.” When the court orders deferred action, the immigrant or immigrants will be granted a stay of removal, which puts the deportation process on hold so that the necessity of deportation can be reevaluated.

At Turner Law Offices, P.C., our team of attorneys has years of experience working with clients across a wide range of immigration cases. If you or a loved one is struggling with deportations, or any other aspect of the immigration process, it’s crucial that you seek trustworthy legal representation. Without it, the risk of a not-so-great resolution is all too real. Call today, or go online to set up your free initial consultation, and meet with a skilled lawyer who’s ready and waiting to guide you toward the justice you deserve.

(615) 259-2660

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