Turner Law Offices, P.C. is committed to providing quality legal services that reduce the financial and emotional burdens of the legal process for divorce clients in the Nashville area. Choosing the right family law attorney is the first step toward winning your divorce case. Our law firm takes great pride in the personal attention that we give to each and every aspect of a client’s case. Our clients benefit from our extensive experience in Tennessee divorce law and our dedication to seeking the most cost-effective method for achieving our client’s goals. Clients expect and deserve the personalized attention and expertise they get in having Attorney Robert Turner involved in handling their case, from start to finish, in court and out of court. Our clients have the peace of mind from knowing that they have Rob Turner, along with his experience, reputation and skills, fighting for them; some clients choose to hire him alone to handle their case from beginning to end.
Divorce Law is so complicated that it cannot be thoroughly explained in the space provided; however, each divorce lawyer at Turner Law Offices, P.C. spends time, in person, meeting with clients, explaining to them the divorce process, Tennessee Law, and formulates a strategy to attempt to achieve the client’s goals. The main areas of divorce law are the following:
A divorce begins when a Complaint for Divorce is filed. Within thirty (30) days, an Answer to the Complaint for Divorce must be filed. Once this is done, written discovery is conducted; written questions are sent to each spouse asking questions about assets, liabilities, and marital conduct through written documents known as Interrogatories, Requests for Production of Documents, and Requests for Admissions. After written discovery is completed, the case is either settled or referred to mediation. If mediation is unsuccessful, then depositions of the spouses and any witnesses are conducted to find out any and all information relative to the divorce case. After all discovery, written and deposition, is completed, the case is submitted to a Judicial Settlement Conference, wherein the Divorce Special Master meets with the parties and counsel and attempts to explain what the Court is likely to do given the facts of the case. If Judicial Settlement is not achieved, the case will proceed to trial in front of a domestic relations judge. As the case progresses, the legal costs increase more and more because of the time in preparation and completion of tasks required to get a case ready for trial.
We are dedicated to protecting your family, your assets and your future. Request a Free Initial Consultation Online or call our offices today to speak with one of our divorce lawyers. Your peace of mind begins with a simple phone call. For compassionate and result-driven family law advocacy in all family legal matters, set a time to meet with us to explain what we can do for you.