Oh No P Diddn’t! Superstar Gets Bad Rap For Attacking Football Coach
P Diddy’s career took an unexpected turn for the worse in Los Angeles after the rap star apparently used a training weight to assault one of the coaches for his son’s football team at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).
At the tender age of 45, P Diddy, legally known as Sean Combs, was placed under arrest by the police department while attending his son’s football game. Although the rapper was dragged off to jail for his reportedly violent act, both University spokespersons and Diddy’s own public relations team have thus refrained from presenting an official statement.
Circumstances Surrounding the Arrest
Not much is known about the circumstances surrounding the alleged attack at this time. The victim himself has not been identified, although reports claim that there were no serious injuries on behalf of anyone involved. As of now, the only official knowledge that can be gleaned of P Diddy’s target is that he was one of the male football coaches at the UCLA game in which Justin Combs, Diddy’s son, potentially participated and that his father attended.
The weapon in question was certainly unorthodox: a training weight known as a “kettlebell,” which are a part of many training programs for a variety of athletics including football. Kettlebells are heavy, metal weights that are reminiscent of cannonballs with rungs attached for grip. It’s thankful that, apparently, no one was hurt by P Diddy’s assault with the kettlebell – based on the specs of the training device; a well-aimed swing could easily be fatal.
While awaiting the results of UCLA police’s investigation of the incident, one might consider Tennessee’s own legislation for similar acts of violence. In this state, Diddy’s attack might be considered a felony if it qualifies as aggravated assault, which is partially defined as a “simple assault” in which a weapon (in this case the kettlebell) was intentionally used in an attempt to cause bodily harm to another person.
What is Aggravated Assault?
If California’s stance on aggravated assaults is anything like Tennessee’s, then P Diddy could be in a world of legal trouble. Despite the reported lack of injuries during the incident, it seems as though the rapper at the very least acted threateningly with his training weight. Based on the description of a kettlebell, his use of a “deadly weapon” might be enough to land him with some serious legal penalties.
As the investigation continues, one can only hope that P Diddy will take this opportunity to remember that his talents are more geared toward the field of hip hop, and not kettlebell assaults.
Arrested for weapons possession or aggravated assault? You improve your chances of obtaining a positive outcome in your aggravated assault case if you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney. Our criminal lawyers are some of the best in Tennessee, and they’re ready and waiting to talk to you and to represent you in your case.