Darrius McCrary–Arrested for Falling Behind in Child Support
Darrius McCrary, age 38, was recently arrested and placed in jail for failing to make child support payments.
McCrary appeared in an Oakland County, Michigan family court, only to later be sentenced by the judge to be arrested and placed in jail. His offense: falling way behind in child support payments.
Best known for his role as Eddie Winslow in the television show, The Family Matters, McCrary was arrested and given two options: either stay in jail for fourteen days, or pay $5,500 in back child support.
Winslow chose the second option, and was only held in jail until later that day. The son in question appears to be either 5 or 6 years old, and, after being released from prison, McCrary posted a throwback picture on Twitter, saying it was from shopping for school clothes for his son.
If you think your current child-support payment plan is unfair, we may be able to help you change that. Whether you’re on the giving end, feeling like you’re being wrangled for too much, or the receiving end, not garnering enough to raise your child, it may be time to take it to court and get things changed. But before you go, you’re going to need a skilled child support attorney, and we’re here to provide just that.
Our child support attorneys are legal experts who are highly skilled in the laws surrounding child support, and they know all of the loopholes to assist you in your case, as well as to watch out for if they could end up hurting you.
Don’t slog through another monthly payment of an unfair amount of child support, call us today and start building your case.