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Home » Business Law » Tennessee Supreme Court Announces Nashville Business Court

Tennessee Supreme Court Announces Nashville Business Court

biz-court-blogOn the first of May earlier this year, Nashville became home to the new Davidson County business court. What does this mean? For starters, it means that things are cleaned up a little better as far as distribution of cases throughout Nashville courts. It means that, instead of business disputes beings resolved “off the table” or taking time away from other litigation areas, those types of complicated cases are getting specifically reviewed by those trained to focus on them. All in all, it means a more efficient situation.

The Details

The project was officially propelled forward by a Tennessee Supreme Court ruling that came down on March 16 earlier this year. Business court judge is Chancellor Ellen Hobbs Lyle, who’s been around since 1995 and knows her stuff. She’s particularly interested in the cases to be seen in the new business court, quoted as saying, “I’m a person that likes details. Some people would call it tedious, but I find it compelling. I like to core down and look at what’s underneath the surface.”

So it looks like the project is in good hands – who better to review business litigation cases than someone who has a personal investment in the act of, you know, reviewing them? People generally seem to do their best work when they are interested in what they’re doing, and Chancellor Lyle has certainly admitted that this is the case for her. Her vision is to establish a system that not only cleans up the courts in general, but cleans up business litigation in general, making things smooth and efficient for all parties who end up working with the business court.

Proponents of the new business court also see an economical advantage to the formation of such a structure. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Sharon Lee was especially gung-ho about the whole idea, quoted as saying: “Keeping businesses here in Tennessee and bringing in new ventures means more jobs for Tennesseans. This has long-term benefits and is good for all Tennesseans.” And who can argue with that? Not all types of cases are necessarily eligible for the new business court, those that are can be determined by the guidelines provided by Tennessee state officials.

Nashville Business Attorneys

At Turner Law Offices, P.C., we have years of experience working through business litigation cases in a wide variety of circumstances. We know the most efficient routes towards pursuing a satisfactory outcome for all involved – and with this new development in the structure of the Nashville legal system, we are prepared to make your path through successful litigation more swift than ever. Call today, or go online to set up your Free Initial Consultation, and meet with a skilled lawyer who is ready and waiting to hear your case, help decide if you’re eligible for business court litigation, and get you on track towards the justice you deserve.

(615) 259-2660

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