Texas AG Ken Paxton Sent To Jail, Does Not Pass Go
Joining the ranks of jailed politicians is Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who was put into custody Monday morning of his own volition. He sat down to his mugshot all smiles and wearing a suit – an unusual exception to the standard “gray towel” wardrobe mandated for such photos. He’s looking at three felonies, two of which qualify as security fraud of the first degree.
The Offenses
The charges were for white collar crimes that are, apparently, often difficult to take to trial under most circumstances. This is a serious case that will take a long time to settle, but Texas courts are planning to go through the legal processes step by step in order to assure a fair trial, despite the widely accepted opinion that evidence weighs strongly against the AG’s favor. Oddly enough, he has made it clear that he’s eager to start to procedures for the indictments. His attorney state publicly that he’s “looking forward to the opportunity to tell his side of the story.”
The indictment was related to accusations that AG Paxton took advantage of investors putting down money into Servergy Inc., a technology business. According to the victims, he withheld information related to the nature of the investment. He also neglected to mention that there was hefty compensation in the cards for him personally and that, despite his actions, he hadn’t put forth any of his own finances toward Servergy. An interesting tidbit here is that these investors were reportedly friends of the Attorney General. As of now, Servergy Inc. has refrained from making a statement about the indictment.
Criminal Law in Tennessee
Tennessee state officials would undoubtedly take the crimes of Attorney General Paxton just as seriously as those in Texas. Not only are security fraud charges devastating for victims in terms of financial consequences, it’s certainly an example of immorality – and it’s absolutely necessary for judges to be held to a high standard. Of course due process is necessary to see that freedoms are recognized, as with any criminal case in Tennessee, but considering the nature of the accused, it’s unlikely that the position of Attorney General can be preserved for Paxton.
Nashville Criminal Attorneys
At Turner Law Offices, P.C., we have years of experience working with white collar crime cases all across the board. We’ve represented both sides successfully and know what it takes to pursue the best possible resolution. Call today or go online to set up your Free Initial Consultation, and meet with one of our skilled criminal lawyers who is ready and waiting to help you seek the justice you deserve.