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Home » Criminal Law » Delta Airlines Attendant Charged with Theft for 1,500 Mini-Bottles of Liquor

Delta Airlines Attendant Charged with Theft for 1,500 Mini-Bottles of Liquor

ex-stewardess stands before a swath of mini-liquor bottlesDelta Airlines had to lay off a stewardess from Memphis after finding out that she was stealing mini-bottles of liquor from airplanes and selling them on the internet. Rachel Trevor has been charged with the theft of approximately 1,500 bottles. And before you start making assumptions about her motive, no, she wasn’t getting hammered in tiny increments. She was making money in tiny increments, by selling them online at a discount.

Deals, deals, deals!

Except wait, why is this scheme worth it? It’s true that airplane liquor goes for about $8 to $10 each on airplanes, but here on the ground where people usually are, they’re only worth about $1. Which is the price Rachel Trevor sold them for as well.

There are a few holes in this plan — at least a few. The first is that she definitely knew that stealing from her employer would inevitably result in her getting fired. If she was going to wind up getting more than $1 per bottle, maybe this would’ve been worth it. But considering the work she put in by selling bottles online, the risk involved, and the fact that she’s already gainfully employed, it leaves one wondering whether Rachel Trevor really thought this through.

She also sold them on Craigslist. Which is, if you’re not familiar, not a very discreet way to sell contraband airplane bottles. In the words of Memphis resident Frank Loyd II, “It was stupid on her part to go on Craigslist, because someone is going to find out and report you.” Frank sounds like a pretty smart man.

Crimes of Opportunity

Rachel Trevor was actually arrested for this crime last November — the news today is that she’s just been indicted under charges of theft of property over $10,000, unlawful sale of alcohol, unauthorized transportation of alcohol, and unauthorized storage of liquor for sale. What this translates to is this: not only did she lose her job, she also is going to spend a minimum of 3-15 years behind bars. Which, you might agree, is not worth it.

This kind of offense is considered a “crime of opportunity.” Rachel Trevor’s “opportunity” was her easy access to a constantly-replenishing stash of tiny liquor bottles. And she exploited the crap out of that for… well, for no terribly great reason. Personally, I’m not interested in knowing how much money she actually made from this scheme. It seems pretty likely that knowing that would cause even more feelings of sadness than this story already encourages.

While some of the general public may not be familiar with “crimes of opportunity,” most everybody knows what theft of property is. At Turner Law Offices, P.C., our team of attorneys has years of experience working with clients across a wide range of cases related to theft crimes. Whether you’re the victim of theft or wrongfully accused, the best course of action always starts with hiring trustworthy legal repressentation. Call tdoay, or go online to set up your free initial consultation, and meet with a skilled Nashville lawyer who’s ready and waiting to guide you toward the justice you deserve.

(615) 259-2660

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