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Home » Disorderly Conduct » Man Arrested After Throwing Tomatoes At Donald Trump

Man Arrested After Throwing Tomatoes At Donald Trump

trump-tomato-disorder-conductThe art of heckling has had its fair share of renaissances throughout history, which means there are certain classic techniques still relevant to modern hecklers. Yes — the tomato. Two traditional uses of the tomato as a heckling tool come to mind: throwing them at criminals doing time in the stocks, and throwing them at bad actors on a stage.

Andrew Joseph Alemao, a 28-year-old guy from Iowa, apparently figured that Trump’s speech at a campaign stop qualified as the second tomato-heckling technique. What I’m saying is this person threw tomatoes at Donald Trump during one of his speeches. And morality aside here, the argument against this being a classic example of tomatoes-as-heckling-ammunition doesn’t exist. But anyways,

Throwing Tomatoes = Disorderly Conduct

You can’t legally throw tomatoes at important public figures. It doesn’t matter how much you think they deserve it. Throwing tomatoes at a leading presidential candidate just isn’t acceptable grown-up behavior.

And that means grown-up consequences: criminal charges! Not that they’re especially unfair or anything, just a regular ole’ misdemeanor for disorderly conduct. Andrew’s gonna have to pay fines capped at a maximum of $625 OR spend a month behind bars. For the guy who risked tomato attacks on one of the most prominent and controversial figures in today’s America, that seems like a pretty okay deal.

Secret Service, Maybe, But Sneaky Service . . .

Not so much. Man, I feel like there’s been a few headlines out there recently related to the Secret Service dropping the ball(s). Well. At least these tomatoes were tomatoes, and not those molotov cocktails our kids toss around in video games.

But still — Andrew Joseph Alemao, that clever biscuit, he stuck right past ’em! Just some guy with tomatoes! What, were they playing Angry Birds? Pocket Mortys? Are their sunglasses too dark? Are their secrets… also too dark?

Who knows.

But it is interesting that the folks who are, from my understanding, pretty much paid to stop aaanybody from getting in a position where they can throw anything a dude who might be the leader of America. Right? Thank goodness, I guess, for tomato assault simulations.

. . . Back To The Disorderly Conduct.

If that’s all Alemao is going to have on his criminal record, he should be wiping some pretty gnarly sweat beads from his forehead right now. Because it’s certainly possible to frame this incident as an assault. Especially if the victim has tons of money and is very important.

Chances are Alemao has a lawyer by now — he’s going to need one to make sure that any charges coming his way are those baby ones we’re seeing in the news at this point. But Trump’s a busy guy. Maybe he just hasn’t gotten around to filing the lawsuit yet. Let’s hope that lawyer doesn’t just exist… Let’s hope he’s very, very good.

Legal Representation For Criminal Charges:

It’s completely necessary, even for minor crimes like disorderly conduct. A criminal record doesn’t just go away! It’s a record! If it’s possible in any way to avoid having one, it’s worth going for the opportunity so that consequences don’t follow you for the rest of your life.

At Turner Law Offices, P.C., our team of attorneys has years of experience working with clients across a wide range of criminal cases, from disorderly conduct misdemeanors to aggravated assaults. The sooner you take action, the better your chances for a satisfactory resolution — so don’t wait. Call today, or go online to set up your free initial consultation, and meet with a skilled attorney who’s ready and waiting to guide you toward the justice you deserve.

(615) 259-2660

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