High School Athlete Arrested for Exposing Himself in Yearbook
Some pranks are simply not worth it. This is a lesson recently learned by Hunter Osborn, a 19-year-old who just graduated from Red Mountain High School in Mesa, Arizona. While undoubtedly encouraged by his cronies, the football player decided that it’d be hilarious if he exposed his penis during the team photograph, which would be displayed in the yearbook.
The prank didn’t quite land the way Osborn expected. See, nobody noticed what he did until the yearbook was already distributed to 250 students. To make matters worse, the football team also printed the picture in programs that were sold to kids and their families during football games. And when Red Mountain High School’s administration realized what happened, they immediately got the police involved. Hunter Osborn wound up sitting in a jail cell that weekend, probably regretting the dick pic that earned him 69 misdemeanors as well as a felony charge.
Dared to Dangle
When the police interrogated Osborn, the kid claimed that he only dangled because he’d been dared by a teammate. He was 18 at the time. The 69 class 1 misdemeanors are all counts of indecent exposure (surprise, surprise) but the truly damning charge is that class 4 felony: furnishing harmful items to minors.
Yep, by having his private parts printed and distributed among schoolchildren, Hunter Osborn effectively “furnished” a whole lot of minors with pornography. His school’s administrators are probably flipping their actual shit — because remember, Osborn just whipped his package out for the camera. There’s no telling how many of the school’s employees were involved in the printing and distribution of the photo, but whoever they are, it’s very likely that they are having nightmares about angry parents and lawsuits with the words “sex offense.”
To be fair, the photo has a lot of people in it and is actually pretty tiny. Osborn’s junk isn’t exactly “featured,” and is certainly more blurry or grainy than suggestive. But that’s irrelevant. Schools just don’t have the wiggle room to justify printing a photo of a student’s penis. They just don’t.
Scrambling for Damage Control
Osborn also told police detectives that he was “disgusted” with himself for his prank, which he probably is. After all, this could be the joke he recalls fondly in his elder years as the joke that ruined his life. Lucky for him, he didn’t stay behind bars for too long. He was released fairly soon after getting booked — although he does have to wear an electronic monitor.
As for Red Mountain High School, they and the entire Mesa Public Schools system are on full damage control. One can imagine the steady stream of angry parents waiting to have a go at whoever they can. To cover their asses, the Mesa school district has released the following statement:
“The district is dismayed by the actions of the students involved in the photograph. Their behavior does not reflect the values of Red Mountain High School or Mesa Public Schools.
Upon learning of the photograph, school administration immediately contacted police and is cooperating fully with the investigation. Disciplinary action will follow policy and may be based on the outcome of the police investigation.
The school and district are conducted an investigation to determine what actions might have prevented the publication of the photograph, so appropriate safeguards can be put in place going forward.
While the small size of the photograph as published makes the details difficult to discern, the yearbook has been recalled so the school can make a minor but critical edit for the inappropriate content.”
Everybody makes mistakes, whether you’re the principal of a school under scrutiny for publishing a student’s penis in the yearbook, or that penis’s owner himself. At Turner Law Offices, P.C., our team of attorneys has years of experience working with clients across a wide range of cases involving unforeseen criminal consequences. The best way to ensure a satisfactory resolution for any case is to seek trustworthy legal representation immediate — so don’t wait! Call today, or go online to set up your free initial consultation, and meet with a skilled lawyer who’s ready and waiting to get you on track toward the justice you deserve.