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Home » Criminal Law » Major Cities Grossed Out by Giant Statues of a Naked Donald Trump

Major Cities Grossed Out by Giant Statues of a Naked Donald Trump

terrorized citizens run away from nude Trump statueA team of street artists who call themselves Indecline have made a fairly aggressive commentary on this year’s presidential campaign — specifically presidential candidate Donald Trump. So far, five statues of Trump have been spotted in New York City, Seattle, Los Angeles, Cleveland, and San Francisco. The statues aren’t beautiful. It’s not that kind of art. The best way to describe them might be something like “anatomic commentaries on Trump’s character.”

The Trumps are naked, for one thing. Very much so. No details are left out, by the way: he’s 300 pounds of veiny and flabby clay, ripe with orangey pubic hair. In fact, their private parts seem to be the focus of attention. The statues all small-penised and notably lacking in the testicle department. Zing!

What do they mean?

A plaque at the foot of each Trump statue reads, “The emperor has no balls.” When the Huffington Post reached out to the Indecline artist behind the projects, Ginger, he gave a brief explanation of why we’re seeing The Donald sans balls:

“We decided to depict Trump without his balls because we refuse to acknowledge that he is a man. He is a small arrogant child and thus has nothing in the way of testicles.”

Fair enough.

Ginger’s specialties are haunted house monsters. He makes goblins and other such creatures with intention of scaring people. In short, he felt very confident going into this Trump project. In his own words, “Trump is just another monster.” And now, thanks to Ginger, there are five nude doppelgängers of him.

What happened to them?

Eventually, the New York City parks department stepped in and had the NYC statue removed. Which is surely for the best. According to the Wall Street Journal’s Josh Dawsey, however, the parks department did crack a little joke about the whole affair:

Zing, ZING!

And the other statues? Meeting similiar fates, no doubt. But the main concern is not for the statues — it’s for their artists. Donald Trump supporters have been known to get a little rowdy from time to time (to say the least) and there is precedent for anti-Trump artists getting attacked for their work. Los Angeles’s Ilma Gore drew a picture of Trump naked and wound up with a black eye after some guy punched her while she was walking around her neighborhood. “Trump 2016!”

Even so, Indecline has made it clear that they aren’t afraid of Trump supporters. And this is probably not surprising, considering the fact that they’re an anonymous group of anarchist creatives. This is what they do. Let’s just assume they’ll keep doing it.

On a vaguely related note, what would’ve happened to Donald Trump if it’d been him standing out in the nude instead of inanimate replicas? Well, it’s a safe bet that anyone standing naked in any public place would be super arrested for at least one crime: indecent exposure. And Trump’s exposed body certainly was/is/would be indecent.

Indecent exposure, more specifically, refers to three types of behavior: having sex in public, fondling private parts in public, and getting naked. In public. In Tennessee, this crime starts as a Class B misdemeanor, which translates to some fines and minor jail time. The more you’re caught, however, the worse the penalties.

At Turner Law Offices, P.C., our team of attorneys has years of experience working with clients across a wide range of cases, including those involving indecent exposure. If you’re accused on any kind of public indecency, the best course of action is to seek legal representation as soon as possible. Call today or go online to set up your free initial consultation, and meet with a skilled lawyer who’s ready and waiting to guide you toward the justice you deserve.

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